Thursday, September 20, 2012

Fall Musings

First heartfelt thanks to each and every one of you who soldier on with us and offer support even when we retreat and fail to update the blog or return your calls. Sometimes we lack the words or the energy to speak them.
Fortunately there is always another day and moments of beauty that cleanse us and rekindle our spirits: sunlight on our porch at the end of a crisp Fall day, the warm sound of old vinyl, biking along the moonlit river under an umbrella of stars, ice cold beer at the end of a dusty hike, rich conversation with close friends, an old hymn sung with conviction...
More inspiring than these moments, however, is Riley’s resiliency as he continues to face his exile and suffering with joy and gratitude.  He remains saint-like in his ability to see the best in his situation and to cultivate hope and celebrate small signs of progress.
Last year Riley listened as I read articles about the Tour de France and this summer he was able to watch the race itself!  Appropriately, a painting hangs on his wall that depicts one of the legendary mountain stages on the Tour as if Riley were riding in it arduous climb lies ahead of him, but he has the yellow leader's jersey!  You and I line the road cheering raucously!
Breanne, a grade 12 student, painted this for Riley as part of a school project on Calgary teens afflicted with Lyme disease. Her sister Danielle has been bedridden and battling Lyme disease for three years. Breanne captured Riley’s passion for sport and his longing to sit on a bench one day…symptom free.
Although still plagued by severe neurological symptoms and facial muscles that are in essence paralyzed…making it next to impossible to speak, swallow, or show facial expressions, Riley has slowly gained more physical strength. He is now able at times to hold a Dixie cup, perform simple actions with his arms and hands, and walk a few steps each day with the aid of a walker.
Recently he was given an iPad, and although too physically exhausting and startling to use on a consistent basis, his eyes lit up the first time he typed to us using the "magic" wand...thoughts and feelings surged over the speech barrier, flooded across the tablet, and presented themselves to us; words...sparkling jewels, portals into Riley's soul! He keyed the word "liberated" several times! Riley’s use of the iPad has allowed him to accurately describe his symptoms, communicate more deeply with each of us, and to share his musings related to the books he listens to or the movies/documentaries (new for him!) he watches. We have been reminded that our dear Riley is still “in there” and still believes in his own words “that together as a team, boosted by the boundless support of all those around us, we will win this battle and stand victorious on the hill of triumph, with our hands thrust in the air!”
In addition, we (Christine deserves a Ph.D. in Lyme disease!) continue to explore a number of supplemental medical options designed to enhance Riley's recovery. As a result, it now appears that Riley and Christine may be headed to back to the USA for a month of treatment in October (stay tuned for an upcoming post with more detailed information). Although there is no silver "Lyme" bullet, we remain optimistic, along with Riley that he will continue to heal and eventually return to the world he loves so dearly.

Thanks again to all of you! Without your prayers, love, support, friendship, and generous offerings of time and money, we would be unable to continue to offer Riley the care he so desperately needs and deserves.

Terry and family


  1. Once again, we read with a big lump in our throats. Courage indeed! The painting is so beautiful - I see that as us biking up that hill with you all and one day soon we will see Rliey zipping by us as we sit on that bench. We love you all.

  2. Jane and Charlie alerted me to Riley's illness a long time ago and I continue to include Riley and all of you in my daily prayers. I just can't imagine what you are going through and seriously expect a miracle SOON.

  3. Dear Christine (Tina!) .. I have thought of you so often through the years and now, pray for you and Riley and your whole family as you struggle through the unbelievably long process of recovery from Lyme ! But God is Good ! and Riley will recover and your family will be together again. I praise God this disease has not destroyed marriages and families but through His Love, has brought them even closer together. Very impressed with the beautiful writing and expressions in all I've read this afternoon .. all read through tears of sadness, but also tears of hope and joy for what God can and will do in our lives. Amazing Love and all the more amazing because He chooses us to love ! Sending you a huge hug, (still think of you as Tina ) and prayers for continued healing for your Riley.
    Doreen Wensley
